Market Positioning & Valuation Services

Commercial Property Valuation & Market Positioning Services

Valuation and market positioning requires unique knowledge and experience as a value-added service for clients. Our advisors and researchers can properly and thoroughly provide valuation assessments to determine the most probable price your commercial property may bring in the current market. We will assess specific site characteristics, property history, demographic data, and economics driven by market conditions.

Services can include:

Based on our in-depth analysis, we will determine the highest and best options for presenting your property to the marketplace.

When making informed decisions, utilizing the right tools is critical. This becomes especially important when making the decision to buy and sell property. It is what inspired James Graaskamp to create the Real Estate Feasibility Model which has now become a viable tool utilized by CCIM.

This model aims not only to match the site to the user, but also to ultimately reach a “Go” or “No Go” decision through analysis of objectives, alternatives, and decision criteria. 

Valuation Methods

There are four analysis methods used in the feasibility model: Market Analysis, Location and Site Analysis, Political and Legal Analysis, and Financial Analysis.
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Broker's Price Opinion

For commercial properties, we offer a Broker's Price Opinion at no cost to you. Allow our researchers to perform a full property inspection, market evaluation, and property pricing to determine the potential selling price or estimated value of your real estate property. Our unparalleled expertise allows us to provide our clients with solid advice on navigating through the challenges of the ever-changing real estate market.
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Market Research

Our proprietary software systems allow us to conduct industry-leading research that is critically analyzed by our expert research team and released to our clients in the form of market reports. 
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Contact an expert advisor to discuss the value of your asset.

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